Labia Reduction – you can be more comfortable

Labiaplasty for Enhanced Comfort and Confidence

With over 20 years of experience in women’s health procedures, Aesthetica in Melbourne is dedicated to helping you achieve a unique and personalized labiaplasty experience.
Our skilled practitioners specialize in gynae rejuvenation to enhance both comfort and confidence in your

  1. labia minora,
  2. labia majora,
  3. clitoral hood debulking

Our team has many years of experience and we like to stay at the forefront of innovation by regularly refining techniques through training under the guidance of renowned experts like Dr. Red Alinsod in the United States. Labioplasty is a surgical procedure and  we will work with you to ensure you receive the latest techniques for a pleasing, natural-looking result.

At Aesthetica, we understand the importance of maintaining your privacy. All our procedures are performed with the utmost care and discretion.
Our goal is to provide you with results that improve your personal appearance while ensuring that no one will know you’ve had the procedure done.

Book your consultation

It is up to you how you start your labia reduction journey, or not.

Ideally, it is best to meet your Doctor initially.
A consultation with  Dr. Kishen is available for a fee of $160.00.

He will –

  • address your concerns  then discuss your options for labia reduction, and work with you to ensure it is a procedure that will address your concerns
  • discuss potential risks and complications
  • discuss before and aftercare
  • show you before and after photos,
  • and provide transparent information about the labiaplasty procedure cost.

Or if you find that a bit daunting you are most welcome to arrange a complimentary meeting with our patient advisor. She will get to know you, provide information on the procedure options and your care, and answer your questions as best she can. You will not be examined.

Labia Minora

The reduction procedure for the labia minora aims to improve the aesthetic appearance by addressing excess, floppy, or uneven skin through labia reduction.

Labia Majora

We offer refinement techniques for labia majora reduction, such as

  • surgically
  • fractionated resurfacing
  • nonsurgical radio frequency
  • or in combination

The best options to address your concerns will discussed in detail during your consultation.

Clitoral Hood Reduction

Debulking the clitoral hood can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or as part of a labia reduction procedure. It is a precise technique that focuses on the excess skin around the clitoris without affecting its functionality. Our advanced techniques prioritize your safety and ensure that no harm comes to your clitoris or its nerves.

Your Labiaplasty surgery

We prefer to perform labia reduction procedures as a surgical day procedure using local anesthesia, with or without sedation, taking approximately one to two hours.
However, we also offer the option of a general anesthetic based on your preference for comfort. Our top priority is ensuring your comfort throughout the process.

Labiaplasty Before and After Photos

Due to the nature of these photographs, we prefer to email them to you rather than have them on our page. We receive many requests for Labiaplasty before and after photos, so please email us.

Your Labiaplasty Recovery

After your procedure, we recommend 2-3 days of bed rest to reduce swelling and aid healing. We will closely monitor your recovery through post-operative check-ups and regular communication.
While bleeding, discomfort, and swelling are expected initially, we will provide appropriate pain relief and ice to help you manage these effects.
Swelling typically subsides within 4-6 weeks, and most patients can return to work within 3-4 days, resuming gentle exercise after 3-4 weeks.

How much does labiaplasty cost?

The total labiaplasty price will be discussed in detail during your consultation.
Your procedure could range from $8,900.00 to $12,000 inclusive of all procedure costs, and post-operative care.

We will provide a comprehensive explanation of the costs during your consultation to ensure transparency.
You may also be entitled to a Medicare rebate or Private Health Insurance rebates.

Labiaplasty Risks

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications, although they are rare you must consider this knowledge when considering any surgical procedure.

During your consultation with your Doctor, they will discuss these risks in detail and taking into consideration your previous medical history and your current health.

Potential risks, but not limited to-

  • Abnormal Scarring: very rare.
  • Infection: most unlikely.
  • Excess bleeding: very rare.
Aesthetica has been performing labiaplasty, labia reduction procedures in Melbourne over 18 years. Our experience in caring and understanding your needs is iportant to us.


Navigating Your Unique Labiaplasty Journey:
Comfort, Confidence, and Personalized Care

Everyone has their unique reason for considering labia reduction, and we respect that reason, especially if it involves labia reduction and clitoral hood debulking.

Whether it’s discomfort in clothes, during exercise, or intimate relationships, we understand and aim to provide solutions tailored to your needs, including labia reduction if that aligns with your goals.

Further information on your potential recovery.
however, you must remember everyone recovers differently.


Labiaplasty statistics

Approximately 39% of women have excessive labia and less than 15% of these women do something about it!
The problem may be :

  • an adolescence problem
  • because of childbirth
  •  resulting from the natural ageing process of our body
  •  caused by trauma resulting in labia enlargement, unevenness, or traumatic tears that affect the size or appearance of the labia.

This can result in:

  • labia discomfort during intercourse
  • chronic rubbing
  • chaffing while playing a sport or bike riding
  • a pulling sensation
  • vulva pain

Most women simply live with these symptoms. They are not aware that there are options available, or are too embarrassed to ask.
This is one of the reasons that the internet has been so helpful for these women.
Labiaplasty has risen from 444 women in 2000 to 1,427 in 2014 in Australia.
(Unfortunately, there are no more recent statistics).

Feel free to reach out and start your journey towards enhanced comfort and confidence, with a focus on labia reduction, today.

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Ask a question

It is important to understand that any surgical, medical procedure or proven non-surgical treatment carries risks.
Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.